The additional Saldo module allows the transfer of working hours and days of annual leave from month to month.
In the Tik Admin program we can see the following information:
- Free hours – this number is the difference from the minimum monthly number of hours (plus or minus hours)
- Number of days of annual leave – the number of used and remaining days of annual leave
- Number of unused days of last year’s annual leave – the transfer of unused days of last year’s annual leave, which can be used in the current year
The main menu of the TIK terminal allows employees to access the Saldo module. At registration we choose the Saldo icon and see our evidence of working time.
In the evidence there is difference between estimated monthly working hours and actually working hours and therefore positive or negative saldo. Separately we see hours of sick leave, holidays, work on saturday or sunday, work by different shifts etc. When employee registers last event of the day (departure), the terminal displays the saldo status at the beginning of the month and status for the current month.