Projects module

Effective tool for the overview of working time spent on different projects.

The additional Projects module is an effective tool for the overview of working time spent on different projects. The module analyses how much time and staff is needed to complete the project successfully and spend available time more effectively. It is useful for service- and product-based businesses, as well as different public and scientific institutions.

Create and name the projects or subprojects in the administration program and employees can log in to them at registration. The program calculates gross and net time spent on each project, taking into account employee’s absences. The module is also available without the working time registration and therefore only for measuring time spent on projects.

projects module
Projects calculation

The program provides an accurate calculation of gross and net time spent on each project.

Calculation of working hours on each project displays a tab with following data:

  • Net time of registration on the project.
  • Gross time of registration on the project (net time with added  lunch breaks and private exits).
  • Perc – ratio between gross and net time in percent.
  • Share – the percentage share of the project or work order, in relation to the total time of projects.

Overview of working hours can be calculated also by employees.

From these data we can make further analyses:

  • How much time the employee spent on specific project.
  • Ratio between gross and net time in percent.
  • Comparing the productivity and efficiency of employees.
projects calculations

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